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Caroline Langley

Investment Director

What attracted you to a career in wealth management?

I enjoy being able to act on investment decisions through actual investing rather than just writing and recommending.  I am empathetic by nature but also analytical and detailed; in my role both are key. 

I came to wealth management from a career that began at PwC.  There I audited Investment Management businesses and, after my MSc, was a consultant in its Sustainable Business Solutions division.  I have united those early experiences, along with now nearly 20 years’ investment experience, in my role today as an Investment Director in the Sustainable Investment Team at Quilter Cheviot, co-managing the Climate Assets Funds and managing bespoke personal portfolios for private clients and charities.

What else are you passionate about?

I feel fortunate to be trusted by my clients to look after their wealth and I appreciate this is a big responsibility.  I enable clients achieve their financial objectives whilst investing according to their values.  I love the sense of purpose to find and invest in positive solutions addressing issues of climate change, resource scarcity and demographic changes.    I also love to educate and be educated and I enjoy conversations with my clients and the professionals I meet and work with.  Investment is all about a fascination with what’s going on in the world and there is never a dull day.  I hope to inspire clients to be fascinated too and not to be intimidated – investment management is not so different from shopping (buying and selling) and gardening (pruning and maintenance).

I have been fortunate to have had a wonderfully broad education at top universities.  I studied enthralling wide-ranging and unusual courses – Human Sciences at Oxford and Environmental Technology at Imperial College.  As well as my professional exams that have led me to be a Fellow of both the CISI and ICAEW, in 2023 I also completed a ‘Transformational Leadership’ programme.  All this gives me the ability to see things from different perspectives; vital in my opinion for making sound investment decisions.

What are your interests outside of work?

I am passionate about constantly learning and being curious.  I read vivaciously on my commute from leafy Guildford.  Top picks that have inspired me are “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek and “The 100-Year Life” by Lydia Gratton & Andrew Scott.  My colleagues say I am enthusiastic and upbeat.  I advocate for sustainable investment and customer service and strive to lead by example. 

My proudest moment still remains a presentation I made aged 25 at a WWF-Malaysia conference talking to government officials and other stakeholders about my MSc dissertation “Development Policy for Langkawi:  The Environmental and Economic Implications of Encouraging Tourism”.  At that age speaking to a large audience forced me way outside my comfort zone and I had the privilege of being able to translate my academic work into practical and novel recommendations.  I am still proud of that moment, as it was the first time I felt I was making a difference.

The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.